I always plan what I’m going to wear the next day. Who wants to think about this and have to make all the necessary decisions so early in the morning? I would rather spend 30 minutes reading my current book or lifting weights than spend time pulling together an outfit from scratch in the morning (right now, “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” has me totally captivated; the fashion lessons from this novel will follow in another blog). I realize, however, that not everyone plans their outfit the night before, so I’m going to share my OP Method.
I start with the “bottom.” This could be pants, skirt or a dress. My choice depends on whether or not it is a work day and the weather. Is it raining? Pants might be best. Is it going to be really hot in the afternoon? Perhaps a light dress. Will I survive in the insanely air-conditioned office? Since I still work in an office full-time, and cannot wear jeans to work, my choices are already limited by that. Other things to consider: What is clean? Who will I be seeing today? What is everyone else wearing? Do I want to look like everyone or stand out? Will I be eating a big meal?
For today, I selected these navy pants from Chico’s. The jury is out as to whether the length is too short, but they are comfortable, business-worthy, clean.
Next, what “goes with” the bottom? A white top is almost always an option; however, do I really want to dress in a dark bottom and white top every day? Although I lean toward classic style, and fantasize about French style, in truth, that sort of bores me. So my next question is, what coordinates with the bottom but isn’t totally boring or expected, and will be suitable for the day’s activities and weather?
For today, I selected this hot pink top with a flattering v-neck and twisted semi-peplum. Hot pink with navy, what a nice mix!
I also lay out my jewelry in advance. A v-neck leaves room for either a simple light chain with pendant in a 16-18” length, a bolder necklace, or a scarf.
For today, I chose this lovely pearl/shell and hematite bead necklace and matching earrings. With my dark curly hair, something high contrast with shiny white may even show up in an earring. I always wear my FitBit, and I put on a couple of sterling silver rings.
The next choice is what shoes to wear. This depends greatly on the weather and the state of my pedicure. I keep at least two pairs of spare shoes at work under my desk, and usually two more pairs in the trunk of my car (here in the USA most of us drive to work, and a trunk is a boot for those who live in the UK). Since I have osteoporosis, I keep my shoes flat or with an occasional kitten or block low heel.
Since it has not rained all month, with no rain in the forecast forever, and it will be in the 90’s again today, sandals work perfectly. These Steve Madden silver leather sandals are soft and comfortable, and my navy pedicure still looks presentable.
Finally, the top layer. I have a large collection of cardigans, which are my usual go to for a top layer. I often forget about my jackets and vests. Another possibility is a scarf, which makes a great top layer!
For today, I pulled out a simple navy A New Day cardigan from Target. I will mention here that navy and black will rarely if ever match, so don’t expect it to match, and don’t demand that it matches. In fact, different shades of navy or black will add more texture and interest to your outfit.
My bag for today is a London Fog faux leather in a rich luggage color. I always add a final touch, which is a scarf, which I tie around the handle of my bag. This serves two purposes, adding a pop of color to my outfit, and providing some comfort in the case of excess air conditioning.
So, there you have it, Karen’s OP Method:
Goes With
Top Layer
We will use this method each day that I share an outfit on the blog.
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We all have to get dressed every day anyway, so we might as well have some fun!
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