What Inspires Me

Unlike many fashion bloggers that you may follow, I don't really have a good eye for fashion.  In fact, I'm not sure you could even say I love clothes, know much about designers and brands, or even have that elusive thing called "style."  What I do have, though, is a desire to express myself creatively.  I've done this since an early age with my music (see www.karendaniel.com) as a singer and songwriter of primarily Jewish children's folk songs.  I'm also an avid crocheter (see www.danielartandyarn.com) who fills my cedar chest, and my family's homes and closets, with crocheted blankets, refridgerator magnets, purses and the occasional poncho and sweater.  So for several years now, I've been working on expressing myself creatively with my clothing and accessories.  I want to share with you several people who have inspired me along the way.

In an effort to find my style, I took some online courses.  The group 40plusstyle seemed to fit me, and I made many great friends in Sylvia's courses and online groups.  At first, my own insecurities and fear of standing out kept me in the classic style category.  Over time, I branched out into wearing patterns and new colors, unique shoes and scarves, and bolder jewelry.  Sylvia teaches self-confidence as well as style.  It's really all part of the same journey.  As someone whose face, hair and body do not fit the standard definition of beauty, I have struggled with my self-image.  I can say that posting pictures in the 40plusstyle world and learning how to dress my body type and follow a few other suggestions helped me move into a healthier and happier place with regard to my appearance.  Just for the record, I am petite and an inverted triangle, with deep winter to fall coloring, and my fashion words are bold, unique, feminine, and red. I highly recommend this site!

Although my style may not match exactly with hers, I also find inspiration in the writing and style of Susanafter60.  I started following her as Fifty Not Frumpy, and have never stopped!  Susan is one of my fashion icons.  She has a consistent style, including high quality pieces, encouraging us to use what we have, and she truly looks so beautiful in every situation.  She is also an inspiration in terms of lifestyle; she openly shares her journey in making healthy food and exercise choices.  My heart nearly stopped when she became ill this season, and I know I join so many of her followers in rejoicing at her renewed health. The photo below shows how you can adapt your own style based on the inspiration you may see online or in a fashion magazine. I have copied Susan's recent White on White outfit, below.  Although I'm not going much farther than my patio these days, the straw bag really adds to the casual summery look of this outfit.

Another blogger who inspires me in so many ways is Tania from 50isnotold.  All through the week, I see examples of great outfits that really suit today's casual style, mingled with humorous anecdotes that make you feel like you are really friends with Tania!  I can find many of the items in my own closet, such as the "Mix it Up" outfit she recently posted on her blog, which I am copy-catting below!  Note that, even though the items are not exactly the same, the overall feel and look is a good match, and makes me feel so well put together.  Along with her great attitude and inspiring outfit ideas, she is also a successful businesswoman (Rodan and Fields) and every Sunday she offers a spiritual message.

Thanks to these and the others who write and share their thoughts, ideas, photos, and hearts so that we can feel inspired and energized!

We all have to get dressed every day anyway, so we may as well have some fun!


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