The Color Red

The color red is in the top two favorite colors; it is the international color for "STOP," and it is on flags of many countries, including the USA, Canada, Japan, and Mexico, just to name a few.  (  Wearing red can help you get noticed, as well as feel more energetic!

While working on my personalized style words, the color red actually came up as one of the important elements of my style. Please take a minute and check out my favorite fashion blogs; one of them is called 40plusstyle.  I have learned so much about style in general, and my own style, by taking courses offered by this site.  At one time, I wore red eyeglass frames.  While my frames of the moment are now a medium tortoise shell pattern, I still sneak a bit of red (or shades of red, like marroon, burgundy, dark pink, or purple) into most outfits.  In case you're interested, some of my style words are:  

  • Bold
  • Beautiful
  • Ladylike
  • Red

I try to incorporate these words, or concepts, into my daily outfits.  I use the words as guidelines when shopping or creating an outfit. 

Today, I'm wearing an oversized red snakeskin pattern leather look earring called the Anastasia.  With my abundant hair, I need a large earring for it to even show up!  If I put my hair back, I need something to replace the feel and look of hair. 

Be bold today, and add a bit of red to your outfit!

We all have to get dressed every day anyway, so we might as well have some fun!


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