Karen's Fashion Tip of the Day Blog

Hi! Welcome to my blog!

Do you love clothes, makeup, jewelry, and fashion, and reading about all of the above?  I do, and can never seem to read enough blogs about what to wear, what to buy or reuse in a new way, how to organize my closet, and what works for my body shape and color season. I love writing, and I'm hoping that sharing what I've learned about fashion in all my exploration will be interesting and helpful and fun!  I hope you will check out my new blog, which has grown out of my Facebook page, Fashion Tip of the Day!  Please feel free to like that page and comment!  It's a short and sweet mini-fashion-blog with a little bit of humor added!

Thanks so much for taking a few moments out of your day to read my blog!

We all have to get dressed anyway, so we may as well make it fun!



The color red is in the top two favorite colors; it is the international color for "STOP," and it is on flags of many countries, including the USA, Canada, Japan, and Mexico, just to name a few.  (https://www....

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As the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana) approaches, I'm thinking about my style and self-image in a new way.  In our tradition, the morning prayers/blessings remind us to be thankful for so many things.  Although written during the 14th century, these daily affirmations are still relevant today.  Thank you for the blessing of providing land for us to live on (by separating the land from...

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I always plan what I’m going to wear the next day.  Who wants to think about this and have to make all the necessary decisions so early in the morning?  I would rather spend 30 minutes reading my current book or lifting weights than spend time pulling together an outfit from scratch in the morning (right now, “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” has me totally captivated; the fashion lessons from this novel will follow in...

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Actually, although my name is Karen, this blog may not really be all about fashion, and karensfashiontipoftheday may not happen every day.  This will be a writing journey, in which I share my own learnings and experiences about appearance, self-esteem, health, society and attitude, with some clothing and accessories mixed in, in the hope that you find something useful or amusing.

There's a children's book, "The...

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Fashion: Friend or Fiend

How can fashion be fun when there are so many rules?  Dress for your body shape, your body type, your height, your weight, the activity, the weather, with designer labels showing, without labels, the right colors...what in the world should I wear?

In case of a fashion emergency, at least dress for the weather; for example, wear boots or closed toed shoes on a cold, rainy day, and bring a sweater for air conditioning.  And to...

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